In case of bad weather, cancellation announcements will be posted here, on our Facebook page and our voicemail message. |
Senior College at Belfast — for those who want to keep learning forever |
Belfast Senior College offers diverse classes & special programs for those 50 years and older, in many locations around Belfast. We are a volunteer non-profit educational organization dedicated to lifelong learning. Join the Senior College community by becoming a member, volunteering your time and expertise to teach or provide support, and taking classes. Become a Member Today |
Winter Class SignupWinter semester starts January 20th. Registration is open as of December 16th. Some courses will fill up quickly so don't delay; register now! >> Renew my membership Contact us: | Volunteer Orientation![]() We are planning an orientation session for Winter semester Instructors and Class Assistants in January, the week before classes begin.
You will receive more info by email as soon as we have a date. | Spring Course ProposalsTeach a course with us this spring! Proposals are due on February 7, 2025. The semester begins the 4th week of March, and courses are generally 6 weeks long. |
Be a Member
| Teach
| Volunteer
Contribute your skills and energy to help Senior College keep growing. |
Support Belfast Senior College's vibrant lifelong learning communityThis December, the Senior College Board of Trustees is asking our members and friends to consider making a charitable donation to Belfast Senior College. This is a first for us – an effort to ensure our long-term success as a valuable resource for Mid-Coast residents 50 and older. With your help, we can keep fees low, and keep our engaging and fun courses coming with help from a mix of volunteers and our paid staff person. To support our future, donate securely online or mail your check to: Belfast Senior College, PO Box C, Belfast, ME 04915 We greatly appreciate how you have helped us turn the corner after our recent challenges with the pandemic and the closing of the Hutchinson Center. For a successful future, we rely on your continued trust and generosity. Mayo Bulloch, President |